Crossing the Cooper Creek video taken by Andrew

Sunday, June 13, 2010

An opportunity of a lifetime beckons...

With the recent heavy rains and flooding in Queensland and northern NSW - January and February and then again in April of his year - a steady flow of water is making its way toward inland Australia and the amazing Lake Eyre, which lies some 12m below sea level, turning this normally dry desert country into an oasis bustling with wildlife, especially birds, that have come from far and wide to breed on the waters of the lake. Even the Lake Eyre Yacht Club is active once again and the ferry at Cooper Creek is making regular runs! Here are some fantastic photos of Cooper Creek and the surrounds - just click and enjoy!

As this is a very rare event, to see so much water flowing into Lake Eyre and the surrounding region, Andrew and I have decided to take the opportunity to see this magnificent sight, and make the long road trip to Lake Eyre South through the outback of NSW and SA. It will be at least 1800 or more kilometres, depending which way we travel and how far we decide to go and for how LONG!! It will be a once in a lifetime opportunity and one we don't want to miss! The last time there was a considerable amount of water here was in 1990. This morning we heard on Australia All Over with Macca that Lake Eyre is at 80% full and may reach 87% soon! Fantastic!

I hope you will come along with us on our journey, as we travel the outback desert regions of NSW and SA to this awesome inland lake, which covers approximately 1.2 million square kilometres of arid and semi-arid Central Australia. I will post regualrly until we leave in about a week and from then on, it will depend on where we are and whether we have any mobile reception, let alone Internet reception!!

I have found several more photos on the Internet from this area - please enjoy! If you want to see and read a bit more, check back to my Central Coast Ramblings blog where I first started this Lake Eyre story about our impending road-trip!! Until the next post - cheers for now!

The Cooper Creek car ferry - last used in 1990!!

Image courtesy of South Australian Tourism Commission -

Aerial view - Cooper Creek flood, Windorah, Qld. (Photo by Lorraine Kath)

The Cooper Creek floodplains in January 2008 - click for more photos and information.

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